cat quest 3




TLDR: Cat Quest 3 offers fun co-op gameplay, charming visuals, and engaging combat, but its short length, lack of clear damage mechanics, and "Hero to Zero" progression leave something to be desired.

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Reviewed by: 🐯 Alokin (Advanced Gamer) & 🐺 Oceanwolv (Casual Gamer)



Price: $20
Our playtime: 30+ hours
Coop style: Couch, Local, Online
Where to buy: Steam

About: ARPG (Action Role Playing Game) where you explore a new world with dungeons while leveling up your little cat-character to collect weapons and items. You encounter battles, bosses, and puzzles along the way.

✅ pros


  • Expansive items and weapons

  • Robust fighting mechanics

  • Very friendly leveling


  • Fun and challenging puzzles

  • Different builds based on armor

  • Battleship combat

❌ cons


  • Game felt very short

  • Ending bosses felt too weak

  • No instructions on damage types


  • “Zero to Hero” mechanic

  • World is underwhelmingly small

  • No map route indicator

🤼🏽 co-op ability: 8/10

(how well the game supports teamwork and collaboration between players)


The game is much more fun with a buddy but it doesn’t stop you from completing the game. Even as we leveled and times where one of us was doing something IRL, it didn’t hinder the progress as the other could continue without any difficulty. There isn’t big opportunities to combo skills or rely on each other to complete a strategic portion of the game.


Cat Quest 3 is highly team-oriented because the game has challenges and opponents that are easier, and sometimes needed, with two players — especially because the game revolves around gradually building defense or offense as you progress together.


🎨 production quality: 7.5/10

(the design, artwork, components, and overall craft of the game's materials)


Something strange about this game makes it feel like there isn’t enough variety although there is a lot. The progression of the game suggests there will be much stronger items or combinations to discover but right as you feel you’re going to find better items or level-up, the game ends. It’s fair for the $20 price point but I was left wanting more!


Cat Quest 3 maintains its cute 2.5D art style while adding a pirate theme. The gameplay at sea expands the world and franchise creatively. The new outfits and armored ships are detailed with a variety of offense and defense skills, and the water puzzles are so challenging which is a fresh addition to the land and dungeon terrains.


🎮 gameplay mechanics: 6.5/10

(the game's rules, flow, balance, and how engaging and intuitive the gameplay feels)


This was a great improvement to the battle system from Cat Quest 2. It felt like you could do a little more of what you were expecting when you combo’d a set of buttons and planned attacks. But without any real instructions on the damage types, how they coincided with one another, it was difficult to engage with that part of the game to customize your Cat.


The mechanics are fun because it will be based on your armor choice. The open-world design may challenge beginners since there’s no set path, but with Cat Quest 3 being so cute and simple, I would actually recommend it to beginner and casual gamers who want to learn open-world basics: self-initiation, decision-making, and problem-solving.


🤩 overall fun: 8/10

(how enjoyable and entertaining the game is for immediate play and long-term re-playability)


It’s super fun. Fun quality alone is enough reason to pick up this game because let me make this clear, there is nothing else on the market that comes close. This game is 1 of 1 right now and fills a big gap in the market for journey-based ARPG with unique characters accompanied in a friendly, fun, and approachable art style. It’s a must-play for duos.


Cat Quest 3 is a very enjoyable game to play with someone. It will challenge you both and require patience as your strength in offense and defense slowly grow. Given the “Hero to Zero” mechanic where you become overpowered towards the end of the game, replay is unnecessary once all puzzles are solved and all bosses are defeated.



(helpful insights as you begin the game)


  • Explore, explore, explore. It’s smart to do this in any ARPG style game, but in CatQuest is pays to explore the map and see which areas you can earn some extra gold or find secrets.

  • Don’t get too caught up in the actual stats of the game, they don’t really matter all that much. Just equip the highest powered items and you’ll be fine!

  • Use the map whenever you need, bind a button that works quickly because you’ll be using it a lot! So make sure you get familiar with how to use it and mark places to travel.


  • The Meowchine Gun is the best weapon in the beginning because it’s strong.



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